Friday, January 29, 2010

My Convictions

Today I pose a challenge to myself an ask myself. Exactly how free are you? Am I running after my own ambition or am I fulfilling the purpose of God? We say we know God, we have a personal relationship with the Father and we Know why he sent His Son to die for us, Jesus Christ. But the truth of the matter is even though we are a work in process, some of the things that we do we know better but yet we still do it, to satisfy the human lusts that we crave everyday. WOW! How then could we preach to a dying world in our state, if we as Christians only allow Jesus to come in were we want Him to be. Because somethings to be honest about it become a challenge to give up. We pursue these sins in the knowing that they are against everything that we are "supposed" to stand for. How can I bless or be a blessing to someone else if I can't even run in a straight lane myself. Who am I going to show the way. The word of God says "Who the Son sets Free is Free Indeed", So have we been set free by the Son? Of course we have! But do we walk in the freedom that Jesus has given us, do we put Him first in everything that we do? Do we love Him with everything in us as He commanded, and do we love our neighbor as we love ourself? Do we even know what that love is? Yes! I have questions sometimes about me and who it is I am truly serving, my own satisfactions or Is it all about the Lord Our Jesus Christ who saved us from sin and shame. Even knowing what I know I sometimes still allow myself to slip up and do or say that which I know I should'nt. This is just me! HELP LORD! Save me from my Self Righteouness, when I can look at someone else and judge there sin to make myself feel better, Save me from that. Save me from My Memory, things I know I should not still be enticed with I am, Save me from that! Save me from my brokeness, I should be free right now, after all I been saved for 10years now. Save me from my lies that I feed to myself to make me feel better about the sin I do. Save me from me Lord, not anyone else. Save Me! I want to be free once and for all! Save me from the way I feel about other church folks sometimes. They get on my nerves. This is me! Forgive me for getting too comfortable with you and your grace and mercy. Refresh me, Revive me, Restore me! Love me and let me feel it, like I did when I first met you Lord! I won't play church anymore. I am tired, I just want to be free! Is there anyone with me? These are my convictions, this is me standing and facing myself and it feels pretty good. If I feel like this I can just imagine the unsaved, and the babe, and the Many Leaders who struggle and want to be Helped. I can just imagine those who don't know Him in the Pardon of their Sin, it's a dying world out here it's time for me to get out of me and follow Christ for real. It's time for me to be Free!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Mind of My Thoughts Today

How do we handle the pressures of life and still keep it together. There is the pressure to succeed when everyone else around you expects you too. The pressure to be true to your calling, even though sometimes you don't feel like it. The pressure to do the right thing always because you are known as the good guy (what is that about). And last but not least, the pressure to fit into these stereo types of being a size perfect 8 or being a "DIVA"and of course my favorite the pressure of "prestige, power, and popularity" in today's society. Well I say to hell with pressure and all of the other stereo types. It is time for you to be you no matter how it looks to anyone else. I believe that pressure from your surroundings is something that you could never ignore, but at the same time you don't have to play into it's hands and allow it to cause you to conform to something you never meant to become in the first place. So how do we handle pressure? Good question. I think we should always handle pressure and take control of our own lives, or pressure will handle you.